Deepasriya Kumar

(630) 279-3541

Keep Villa Park Growning
Towards a Brighter Future

Deepasriya Kumar

As a 45-year resident of Villa Park, I’ve seen the community grow and develop into the flourishing community it is today. Villa Park has always been fiscally sound. We have some of the best fire and police officers in Illinois and a unique down-to-earth diverse community unlike any other.

The Village has accomplished a lot during my first term as Trustee, however there is more to do. As a fiscally responsible non-profit strategist, statistician and educator, my skills and experience would remain an asset to the board as the village continues to expand and evolve. I would appreciate your vote in the April 1 election to allow me to continue serving Villa Park as a Trustee.

With best regards,

Deepasriya Kumar


I have lived in Villa Park for over 45 years. I grew up on North Ardmore and currently live on East Harrison Street.

I originally moved to Villa Park in 1980 with my parents and sister. At that time, the Ovaltine Factory was open and as a welcome gift for entering the community, we received a basket of wonderful Ovaltine products. I joined School District 45 as a fourth grader at Lincoln School. During my formative years, I spent most summers taking swim lessons at Jefferson Pool and gymnastics at Willowbrook High School. My mom, a exceptional homemaker, envisioned me as the next Mary Lou Retton-level gymnast. This did not quite work out.

I went onto Jefferson Junior High School (now Jefferson Middle School) where I gained some of my best friends to this date. My first experience with Villa Park’s Board of Trustees came when my father (along our neighbors) drafted a letter to ensure that there was a central lane on Ardmore Avenue. I had to type this letter for them. Ultimately, the Board agreed with the community and put in this central lane, which has prevented hundreds of accidents over the last several decades.

In 1985, I entered Willowbrook High School and eventually graduated as Valedictorian in 1989. As a High Schooler, I participated in numerous extracurricular activities, including Math Team, Speech Team, Key Club, Great Books etc.

I went onto University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) on a full scholarship. At that time, I commuted and continued to be a Villa Park resident. I graduated UIC with a degree in Mathematics and Economics. I briefly lived in Chicago while I obtained a Masters Degree at University of Chicago in Statistics. My husband and I moved to Evanston for a couple years while I pursued Ph.D in Managerial Strategy and Economics.

I could not stay far from my hometown and we returned back to Villa Park in 2001. When my husband asked where we should by our first house, I highlighted a map of Villa Park and gave it to him.

Currently, I teach Management Strategy and Economics at Northwestern University. I am also a Management Strategy Consultant who specializes in the Development of Strategic Plans for Nonprofit Entities and Health Care Firms.


My husband, Dr. Sampath Kumar, is a first responder. He is a board-qualified Infectious Disease Specialist and Internal Medicine doctor as well as an expert on Tropical and Travel Medicine.

My son, Santhanam Kumar, grew up primarily in Villa Park. He graduated from Albright Middle School and was Valedictorian from Willowbrook High School in 2014. He went to UIC for an undergraduate degree, Midwestern University as a medical student, and is now in residency in Rockford, IL.

My daughter, Neeraja Kumar, also went to Dist. 48 schools, graduated from Albright Middle School, was Valedictorian at Willowbrook High School in 2023 and is currently attending Harvard University.

My parents, T.E.S. and Usha Raghavan have lived in Villa Park since 1980. My father is a retired math professor from UIC and my mom is a homemaker.

My siblings grew up with me in Villa Park and also went to Willowbrook High School. My sister Tara Raghavan is a Patent Litigator in Chicago and is the former President of South Asian Bar Association North America. My brother Manu Raghavan is a Neurobiologist at New York University.

Go Vote!

Don't Miss Voting - April 6, 2021

Villa Park Community Services

From 2001-2019, I was a volunteer for the District 48 Families Teachers Children (FTC) organization and a room mother for both my children. I became more active in the Dist 48 FTC in 2013 as Assistant Treasurer for two years and Treasurer for four years.

During my time as Treasurer, we started the capital projects fund, which allowed us to address many of the capital concerns of Dist. 48, such as basketball backboards, a score board and upgrades to the stage equipment at Stella May Swartz School. I was chair of the Enchanted Evening Dance, and supported Taste of Dist. 48 and FTC Cares, a program that provides assistance to low-income district families during the holidays.

I have served Villa Park in public capacity for years, from protesting the Timber Trails annexation from Dist. 48, to assisting with 2 referendums for District 48. In 2016 I was on the committee that successfully advocated to pass an $8M referendum for needed school repairs. More recently, I assisted with the Dist. 48 referendum in 2024 for $48M, which will substantially upgrade and improve the facilities in all Dist. 48 schools.

Other Community Service

I have volunteered as a management strategist for Taproot Foundation where we came up with two different types of strategic management plans for both the DuPage Literacy Society and the Rogers Park Business Alliance.

I have also volunteered at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago (HTGC) as a Sunday school teacher for over 14 years, where I teach Indian cooking.

Apart from this, I am a board member of the Chicago Tyagaraja Utsavam, a Villa Park nonprofit organization that supports the growth of classical Indian music and dance. Between 1981-1984, this organization conducted all its activities at Iowa Community Center. I distinctly remember my parents cooking for 200 people at these events.

Ultimately, I am a positive individual who believes that a little community-driven planning and community interest can lead to great benefits for all.